The Prompt:

What’s the thing you most want to achieve next year? How do you imagine you’ll feel when you get it? Free? Happy? Complete? Blissful? Write that feeling down. Then, brainstorm 10 things you can do, or 10 new thoughts you can think, in order to experience that feeling today.  (Author: Tara Sophia Mohr)

An Open Letter to the Old Man:

We’ve had a rough year, you and I.  A rough three years if we’re going to be honest with one another–which is what I’ve promised you and am falling all over myself trying to deliver.  Words have been spoken and deeds done, hurts inflicted, pain endured; here we find ourselves miles from the alter and stone sober from the sting of life.  Your name is written all over everything I want to achieve this year.  So, for you, some bad poetry:


If the lights are out and apocalypse strikes, let us be standing side by side.

If I’m splattered in blood and missing a shoe, let it be your hand I’m holding.

When the wolves have come and gone and collected their pound of flesh, let it be your breath on my face that revives me.

When the din of the laughers and pointers screams about my ears, let it be your voice I hear above all others.

Let us be together, against the world, smiling as it lays us low.  Let me have that man

who jumped in the puddle,

who bustled my dress,

who defended my honor,

who dared to say yes.

Let us walk ahead, blindly, and with hope, our faces inclined to the middle.  Let me be that girl

who needs a man,

who points at rainbows,

who bites your lips,

who insists you’ll love that show.

In truth, in dreams, in memories,

let you and me be we.

Let we mean us.

Let us BE.

20 thoughts on “Achieve

  1. @Stereo: After enjoying your words as much as I do, I am deeply grateful for your compliment. Thank you.
    @Jill: We’ll see. The mood doesn’t often strike. Thank you very much.
    @Shannon: Wow, thank you so much. Truly.
    @Alisha: DO NOT expect me to bust out with spontaneous poetry over wine. (And thank you!)

  2. Thanks so much for writing and sharing this. In doing so you led me to the one place I’ve not been able to go during this month of reflection, not even privately. I’ve been losing steam the past few days with R10, but I’m so glad I checked in here tonight. Thanks again.

  3. @Kelly and WhollyJeanne and Mark and Liz and Ourladybeth and Bob D. and Amanda:
    I am astounded by and grateful for your compliments. To receive praise from such company as yours really means a lot. Thank you.

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